A self-love story

For years I've let my conditioning define and lead my life.

I did not know how to love myself, to trust myself, to trust my intuition, to set healthy boundaries, to respect myself, to have an identity at all. This resulted in numerous disappointments in career, in love, in relationships and in life decisions.

Until I decided that enough is enough and I took back control over the steering wheel of my life.

It took me a lot of time and motivation to decondition, to heal and to rebuild my life the way I see fit. Now it lead me to living an authentic life that is true to me.

A return to love and liberation

The average person is living their life on auto-pilot. Not considering if it is their life they are living, not consciously choosing where they are going.

They die at 30 and start living after 50, if they are blessed.

I decide that every day is precious and I love myself too much to be the slave of society, of a boss, of my mind, ego or chasing materialist desires.

To be free is to be free of all that inhibits your happiness, growth and thriving in this life.

Do you feel called to liberate yourself, whatever freedom means to you, and start looking at the world with love-coloured glasses?

Dorien Jooken is the founder of Return to Āyā, a movement that guides people back to their essence, health, success and wellness in life.

Dorien calls herself an activist for a better world, by using her experience in teaching yoga, tantra, meditation and mindfulness to help people love and accept every part of themselves, also the parts we repress and hide away. Because self-love is at the base of developing healthy relationships, mental clarity and life purpose.

Since 16 years old, Dorien is on a quest to better understand her own challenging life situation, self-sabotaging patterns and what healthy relationships and communication looks like. This lead her to studying educational sciences, psychology and eventually to the path of yoga, tantra and meditation - which really filled the gaps she was looking for.

Her holistic knowledge background, allows Dorien to combine both the Western and Eastern point of views in her coaching, retreats, workshops and classes.

And today, she combined everything she experienced and knows into a 3-month long transformative Cycle Breaker Course, allowing you to decondition physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically, and take complete ownership over your life.